IT Support Services in Orlando

We protect Central Florida healthcare firms from cyber threats, ensure compliance with regulations like HIPAA, and improve practice and patient outcomes. Partner with us to secure your systems, streamline workflows, and provide exceptional care.

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Managed IT Support Orlando

We’re local Orlando IT Support Company!

Make an appointment — come visit our IT support team at our friendly office in the Orlando area.

Orlando IT Support FAQs: Solving Your Tech Queries

Everything you need to know about our best-in-class IT support services.

How long has ProSource been in business?

We started as ProSource Technology Solutions in 2006. Since then, we’ve helped businesses leverage technology to meet strategic business objectives.

Where are your customers?

Most of our customers are based in the US. Though, we’re seeing a growing trend in hiring international employees. Our solutions enable staff to work securely from anywhere.

What size companies do you work with?

Typically, companies start to see the benefits of technology transformation as they grow from 20 employees and beyond. We love working with companies who need a solid IT foundation to grow to the next stage.

What is your ideal new customer?

When customers outgrow the capabilities of their current IT provider or when their internal IT team is inundated, we can step in and make a big impact. This ranges from support issues to technical competence. Growing a company requires an IT provider that aligns technology to business and compliance objectives, not someone who only reactively solves problems.

How many employees do you have?

Our team of a baker’s dozen operates nimbly, allowing us to quickly adapt to your organization to provide best-in-class IT support and solutions from day one.

What types of services do you offer?

Our Managed IT services include scalable, secure, and compliant solutions.

Can you replace my IT department or current IT vendor?

Yes, we have completed many IT takeovers. We’ll work with you to tailor a custom plan that cares for all business needs and support channels. From there, we help align the technology to your business objectives or compliance needs.

Can you help my IT department?

Yes — we can augment your existing IT staff. We’ll work with business leadership to begin IT transformation from day one.

Can you help us get compliant?

Yes, all our solutions are centered around compliance. Understanding the technical foundation and business impacts ensures that new compliance technology is received well.

Which compliance frameworks do you help clients attain?

We work with clients bound by frameworks like NIST, CMMC, PCI-DSS, but primarily we work with clients regulated by HIPAA.

Orlando IT Support — Helping companies
take the next big step since 2006

For over 16 years we’ve helped our clients and employees
succeed by tirelessly obsessing over the details.

  • Mentoring the next generation
    Technology moves at breakneck speed. We take the time to ensure our staff is continuously trained in order to provide the best service for our clients.
  • Experts in our industry
    Educating our customers on how they can provide better outcomes for practice and patients in paramount to our joint success.
  • Fostering relationships that matter
    We come to you, regardless of location, to build lasting relationships that drive positive outcomes for both parties.
IT Support Services in Orlando

Transform technology challenges
into technology advantages

Healthcare organizations face numerous technical challenges that require careful attention and robust solutions.

Healthcare organizations are prime targets for cyberattacks due to the valuable patient data they possess. Protecting against ransomware, data breaches, phishing attacks, and other sophisticated cyber threats requires constant vigilance, advanced security measures, and employee training.

Healthcare organizations must adhere to strict regulations, such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), and other regional or country-specific laws. Ensuring patient data privacy, implementing secure data storage and transmission practices, and maintaining compliance with these regulations pose significant challenges.

Healthcare systems often rely on multiple applications, software, and devices that need to communicate and share data seamlessly. Achieving interoperability and integration between various systems can be complex and time-consuming, hindering the efficient exchange of information and patient care coordination.

Many healthcare organizations still rely on outdated or legacy systems that may lack the necessary security measures and hinder efficiency. Modernizing infrastructure, integrating new technologies, and ensuring system compatibility can be a major challenge.

As healthcare organizations grow or face sudden surges in demand, their IT infrastructure needs to scale accordingly to handle increased data volume, system performance, and user access. Ensuring scalability while maintaining high levels of performance and availability can be a significant technical challenge.

Healthcare organizations generate vast amounts of data, but deriving meaningful insights from that data can be a challenge. Implementing robust data analytics solutions, managing data quality and governance, and leveraging data-driven insights to improve patient outcomes require specialized expertise and resources.

Loved by Central Florida firms and beyond — take your organization to the next level

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if, after the call, you didn’t get any value, we’ll buy you a coffee!

Ready to Take Your First Step Toward a Better IT System?

Simply fill out the form and tell us what you need to do and we’ll tell you how we can help you get there.

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