5 Types of Managed IT Services You Should Keep in Mind

Building a robust IT infrastructure requires a strategic partner. Understanding the types of managed IT services can transform your IT operations into a streamlined and efficient engine, allowing your business to focus on what matters most.

A recent survey reveals that businesses experience an average downtime cost of $5,600 per minute, emphasizing the high stakes involved in maintaining continuous IT operations.

Matt Mulcahy, Vice President, Client Experience at ProSource, says, “Managed IT services are the silent guardians in the labyrinth of technology, ensuring seamless operation and strategic innovation”.

This underlines the crucial role these services play in not just problem resolution but in driving business forward.

In this blog, we will break down the various types of managed services available, so you can make an informed decision and select the right services to bolster your business operations.

5 Types of Managed Services

Managed services encompass a broad range of solutions, designed to handle different aspects of your business’s IT infrastructure. Here’s a closer look at some of the primary services:

1. Infrastructure Management 

Managing your IT infrastructure is crucial to make sure that both your physical and virtual resources perform optimally. 

This service encompasses everything from network setup and maintenance to data center operations and storage management. It’s about creating a stable foundation that not only supports current operations but also scales with your business growth. 

Proper infrastructure management facilitates enhanced data management, seamless software deployment, and consistent network performance across the board.

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2. Managed Network Services

Managed network services are essential for ensuring that your business’s network infrastructure—comprising routers, switches, and firewalls—is robust and reliably supports all your communications and data traffic needs. 

This service includes continuous monitoring of network health, management of bandwidth, and optimization of overall network performance. Outsourcing network management can lead to improved system availability and less downtime, which is critical for maintaining productivity and operational continuity. 

By prioritizing your network health, businesses can adapt more swiftly to new technologies and scaling requirements, enhancing their competitiveness in a rapidly changing digital landscape.

3. Security Services 

Cybercrime is projected to cost the world $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. This staggering figure underscores the increasing sophistication and frequency of cyberattacks, highlighting the critical necessity for businesses to invest in robust cybersecurity measures.

This includes real-time monitoring, cyber threat assessments, and regulatory compliance management. Managed security services ensure that your data integrity is maintained and your business is protected against potential threats.

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4. Co-Managed IT Services

Co-Managed IT services provide a strategic extension to your in-house IT team, offering additional expertise and resources to support your business’s evolving needs. This collaborative approach allows your internal team to concentrate on core business initiatives while external specialists manage routine or complex IT tasks.

Key Advantages:

  • Scalable Support: Access additional IT resources as needed, without the overhead of expanding your full-time staff.
  • Expertise Integration: Benefit from specialized knowledge to address advanced technical challenges and implement innovative technologies.
  • Operational Efficiency: Enable your internal team to focus on strategic projects that drive growth, while routine IT operations are efficiently managed.

5. Cloud Services

As businesses increasingly migrate to cloud environments, managing these services becomes crucial. According to studies, 94% of enterprises are already using cloud services. This management encompasses a range of tasks, including the deployment and optimization of cloud resources. 

Effective types of managed IT services ensure operational flexibility and cost efficiency, critical in today’s dynamic market conditions. It also involves securing cloud environments and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations, pivotal for maintaining data integrity.

How to Choose the Right Types of Managed IT Services for Your Business

Selecting the appropriate types of managed IT services for your business is crucial for optimizing operations and ensuring scalability. Here’s a strategic approach to align these services with your business needs:

1. Identify Your Core IT Requirements 

Start by evaluating your current IT infrastructure to pinpoint specific areas that require enhancement or support through managed services. 

The global managed services market is expected to grow from $223.0 billion in 2020 to $329.1 billion by 2025. This growth indicates a strong trend towards outsourcing IT tasks to improve operational efficiency and focus on core business functions. 

Analyzing how specific services like managed cloud, cybersecurity, or network management can reduce your operational overhead while enhancing system availability and performance could be crucial for your strategic planning.

Understanding these niche requirements is key to determining which types of managed IT services will best address your needs. For instance, if you are experiencing network reliability issues, then focusing on managed network services would be beneficial.

2. Evaluate the Benefits of Each Service 

Delve into what each type of managed service offers and assess how these can propel your business goals forward

According to surveys, 63% of businesses utilize managed cloud services to improve their scalability and flexibility. This statistic illustrates the critical role that managed cloud services can play in supporting dynamic business environments. 

Consider how services like these can help reduce operational overhead while enhancing system availability and performance.

3. Future-Proof Your IT Strategy

 Choose types of managed services that provide not only immediate benefits but also flexibility for future growth and technological advancements. 

Services that offer scalability, like cloud management, or robust cybersecurity measures will ensure your business remains competitive and secure as technology evolves. 

Aligning your service choices with both current and anticipated needs will safeguard your business against future challenges and ensure seamless integration of new technologies.

According to this CloudSecureTech article, 64% of companies use managed IT services, which demonstrates their tangible value to most businesses. 

To better understand the different options available and make an informed decision, here’s a concise comparison table that highlights the key features and business benefits of various types of managed IT services:

Table: Comparison of Key Managed IT Services

Service TypeCore FeaturesBusiness Benefits
Infrastructure ManagementNetwork setup, Data storageEnhances scalability, Supports growth
Managed Network ServicesContinuous monitoring, Bandwidth managementReduces downtime, Improves performance
Security ServicesThreat monitoring, ComplianceProtects against cyber threats
Helpdesk Services24/7 support, Issue resolutionReduces downtime, Boosts productivity
Cloud ServicesResource management, Cost optimizationFacilitates cloud migration, Enhances flexibility
Communication ServicesSetup, Maintenance, IntegrationEnsures reliable operations, Enhances connectivity

This table serves as a guide to help you identify which types of IT managed services might be the most beneficial for addressing the specific challenges and opportunities within your organization.

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