Common IT Problems in Business

6 Common IT Problems in Business That You Can Easily Solve

Most people view problems with IT as an inevitable part of using technology. While you’d be hard-pressed to find a perfect IT solution, you shouldn’t accept technical difficulties as inevitable. Too many business processes rely on functional IT.

Adapting your practices to new technology tools can be a challenge, but in most cases, overcoming that challenge is all you need to do to prevent most IT issues.

Matt Mulcahy, Director of Business Development at ProSource

Employees spend approximately 3 hours a week solving technical difficulties instead of working. If you employ a remote workforce, it’s even worse. Remote workers lose 73% more time to IT problems than their in-office counterparts.

Accepting IT issues as inevitable means accepting lost productivity as inevitable. Instead, you need a strategic method to prevent and resolve common technology issues in business. This article will explore 6 of the most popular ones, and later, we’ll dig into 4 specific industries.

6 Common Technology Issues in Business

1. Slow Internet

Connectivity issues may be the most common technical challenge among businesses and individuals. At best, this challenge is frustrating. At worst, it’s a sign of an impending data breach or ransomware attack. 

If rebooting your router or closing open applications not in use doesn’t help, you may need to upgrade your network hardware to increase bandwidth. Implementing quality of service (QoS) settings can also prioritize business-critical traffic to leave more bandwidth available.

2. Security Risks

It’s relatively well-known that cybersecurity is critical for any modern business. The problem is that not all security risks are obvious. For instance, CloudSecureTech notes that 97% of software applications have at least one hidden vulnerability.

Mitigating security risks involves regularly updating software to patch vulnerabilities and enforcing security protocols. Training employees on security best practices can also significantly reduce risks since 88% of successful breaches come from human error.

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3. Lack of Data Backups & Disaster Recovery Planning

21% of small businesses lack a disaster recovery plan. Of course, it is best to make prevention your first priority, but you can’t let yourself be without a strategic recovery plan that you can enact if disaster strikes. 

If you’re unsure where to start, consider working with IT consultants who can help you steer your disaster recovery strategy in the right direction. A managed IT provider or automated software solution can help ensure regular backups. 

4. Remote Data Access

Ensuring remote workers have access to the data they need to do their jobs is tough to balance with cybersecurity. Not only do you need to share system access off-premises, but it’s difficult to control how well remote employees monitor their equipment when they use it in public spaces.

To manage this challenge, invest in secure VPN services and utilize endpoint security solutions. It’s also important to enforce good IT security habits to protect remote work endpoints. For example, implement a no-public Wi-Fi policy.

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5. Hardware Obsolescence

Usually, it takes about 5 years for IT hardware to become obsolete. However, with technology changing faster than ever, this timeframe is shortening. Once your hardware has hit that point, finding replacement parts is nearly impossible if needed. 

Implement a scheduled replacement plan that aligns with the anticipated lifespan of your IT assets. Plus, investing in modular hardware that allows for easy upgrades can extend the life of your IT infrastructure.

6. Running Out of Data Storage Space 

As your business grows, you’ll have to store more data. If that amount is growing faster than your infrastructure, you run the risk of running out of storage space. Overloaded systems may also have performance issues before you hit that point. 

Consider switching to cloud services if you haven’t already. Cloud servers provide much more storage capacity than onsite databases. Implementing data archiving strategies can also help optimize the storage of non-critical data and free up space.

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Specific Problems With IT Your Industry Might Face

The 6 common IT issues we listed are general. Any business in any industry may encounter them. However, alongside those 6 potential issues, certain industries also must prepare for unique technology challenges that other sectors may not face.

Let’s explore 4 of them. 

Common IT Problems in Healthcare

IT IssueHow to Solve It
Compliance with HIPAA RegulationsLeverage compliance management to monitor and report on your HIPAA adherence.
Patient Data MismanagementEmploy a comprehensive data management system with strict audit trails and user access logs.
Outdated SystemsInvest in modern healthcare IT systems with support for integration and scalability.
Mobile Health Security RisksEnhance mobile device and app security protocols, including regular security assessments and updates.

Common IT Problems in Financial Services

IT IssueHow to Solve It
Inadequate Customer VerificationImplement biometric verification methods and/or strengthen KYC (Know Your Customer) processes.
Complex Compliance RequirementsUse compliance tracking tools to ensure ongoing adherence to financial regulations.
Need for Real-time Data Processing Implement high-performance computing solutions to manage and analyze real-time data.
Fraud DetectionAdopt advanced fraud detection systems that dynamically adapt to new threats.

Common IT Problems in Manufacturing

IT IssueHow to Solve It
Data Silos Implement a unified data platform that consolidates data from various sources.
IT & Operational Technology IntegrationDevelop a strategic plan to align IT and operational technology.
Industrial Control System ThreatsEstablish specialized cybersecurity protocols and continuous monitoring for industrial control systems.
Supply Chain DisruptionsIntegrate advanced supply chain management software to enhance visibility and coordination.

Common IT Problems for Engineering Firms

IT IssueHow to Solve It
Managing Large Data SetsUtilize robust data management and visualization tools.
Collaboration Across LocationsImplement cloud-based collaboration tools to ensure seamless teamwork.
High Software CostsOpt for scalable software licenses and consider open-source alternatives when possible.
Project Management Deploy specialized project management software tailored for engineering projects.

Reduce The Frequency of Common Technology Problems With Expert Help

If staying on top of technology problems feels like a constant battle, it may be time to consider outsourcing additional help. Getting more eyes on your issues may reveal new, innovative ways to solve your problems that you may not have considered before. 

You can get that kind of assistance from ProSource. Our IT support team is open to helping SMBs in all industries, and we also have specialized expertise in these industries. 

Reach out today to solve your toughest technical challenges!